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About me 

BFA Visual Communication (2020) American University in Dubai, U.A.E.

Sahar is a full time student at the American University in Dubai majoring in Digital media under the program Visual Communication. Sahar started her journey in a creative field in September 2017. Although She chose to enter an arts program even though art was not a part of her past. Upon entering, Sahar found a whole new world that she wanted to experiment in and learn more from.

Sahar made a huge change in her life that opened up an infinite amount of opportunity and chances. Her creative juices started flowing and day by day she became more passionate and confident about the work she executes. She found an opportunity to express her creativity to the world. She is Driven and always eager to learn more. One of the reasons that was an advantage to Sahar, is her ability to adapt. Overall, Sahar is a young creative that is willing to always learn and improve as she goes.

Curriculum Vitae

Business Card



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Motion Graphics
Motion Graphics

Motion Graphics

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Sound production and design
Sound production and design
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Senior Project 
Senior Project

Senior Project

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